Coventry University

Coventry University is a public research university with its origins linked to the founding of the Coventry School of Design in 1843.  Set on a purpose-built campus with striking contemporary buildings it is home to more than 30,000 students across the UK.

This light and airy space designed to encourage and support collaborative learning but also recognise the importance of spaces for focused concentration and contemplation.

From the outset there was a desire to deliver an eclectic mix of furniture that would reflect the more residential look and feel seen in commercial spaces. Attention was given to creating harmony through clever use of fabrics and texture embracing a monochromatic colour palette of blues and greys alongside crisp white surfaces and wooden floors.

A conference room with Ocee and Four Design blue chairs and tables at Coventry University

A key requisite was to provide flexible furniture that could be quicky and efficiently reconfigured to ensure all spaces were adaptable and organic. Spaces that would meet the changing needs of the students and teaching staff throughout the day from the morning get together over a cup of coffee, the heads down afternoons of concentration and the social interaction when the learning day was done.

The furniture chosen for the building shared a common theme, quality in its build, high levels of functionality and those small design details that enhance the user experience. Product that worked well together from an aesthetic point of view, and furniture that did not detract but enhanced the impressive building.

The project was a true testament to a positive collaboration between Ocee Design, dealer, architect, and the end-user.